Yeni Anikulapo-Kuti, renowned for her roles as a dancer, singer, and the originator of the annual music festival known as Felabration, has received the title of “World Dance Master” from the World Masters Committee. Yeni is more commonly recognized as YK Power.
The announcement of this prestigious recognition was made by Yeni’s partner, Theo Lawson, who equated it to receiving the dance equivalent of the Nobel Prize. He shared the news on his Facebook page on October 25, 2023, along with a photo of the certificate bestowed upon Yeni.
In his post, Lawson expressed his joy:
“YENI KUTI – ‘WORLD DANCE MASTER!’ It’s no joke, after over 40 years on stage, on the road, and in classrooms, my dearest YK Power gets recognized as a World Dance Master. Issued by the World Masters Committee, it is like the Nobel Prize of dance. Congratulations, my Love❤️❤️❤️.”
The certificate from the World Masters Committee reads: “The World Masters Committee is very pleased to award this certificate of the World Master of his/her country to the above-named person with all the honour, rights, and privileges pertaining thereto.”
The World Masters Committee, headquartered in South Korea and composed of member countries from around the world, is dedicated to promoting the influence of culture and upholding the concept of fostering a unified global community through the arts and culture.
Yeni, born in England on May 24, 1961, is the eldest child of the Afrobeat legend Fela Anikulapo Kuti. She is the visionary behind Felabration, a music festival established to celebrate her father Fela’s life and his invaluable contributions to both the global music industry and Nigeria.
After relocating to Nigeria at the age of two, Yeni completed her primary and secondary education in the country. She holds a diploma in journalism from the Nigerian Institute of Journalism.
Yeni, renowned as a dancer and dance instructor, joined her brother Femi Kuti’s band in 1986 as both a singer and dancer after leaving her job as a fashion designer. She currently manages the Afrika Shrine and collaborates with Femi as a curator at the shrine.
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