Umoh Michael, a medical doctor at Lagos University Teaching Hospital, tragically passed away after an exhausting 72-hour surgery in the neurosurgery unit. In a letter of protest titled ‘An Appeal By The House Officers Of LUTH’ addressed to the chief medical director on Tuesday, the Association of Resident Doctors expressed their profound sorrow at the loss of their colleague. They also raised concerns about allegations of mistreatment by senior colleagues, including bullying and inadequate provisions for food and accommodations.
The doctors wrote, “We are deeply saddened by the loss of our fellow house officer, Dr. Umoh Michael, who passed away on September 17th, 2023, after a gruelling 72-hour shift in the Neurosurgery Unit. Dr. Michael had only returned home at 3 am on Sunday to prepare for church service, but tragically, he collapsed in his place of worship, the United Evangelical Church, at around 11 am.
His roommate confirmed that Umoh Michael had hardly slept in their apartment over the past week due to his continuous on-call duties. We call for the House check at the start of house jobs to be made free for house officers, and we urge the registers and registrars to create a more supportive working environment. We should not be burdened with tasks meant for porters, patient relatives, or nurses.”
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