India has formally handed over the G20 presidency to Brazil at the closing ceremony of the annual summit hosted in New Delhi this past weekend. The transition was symbolized by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi passing the ceremonial gavel of the presidency to Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
India had held the G20 presidency since December 1, taking over from Indonesia, and will continue in this role until November 30. During the two-day summit, the G20 member countries reached a consensus declaration, making commitments on various critical issues, including food and energy security, climate change, and global debt vulnerabilities.
On Sunday, Prime Minister Modi also proposed organizing a “virtual summit” of the G20 at the end of November to assess the progress of the suggestions and proposals made by member nations during the summit and determine how to expedite their implementation. Modi stated that the details of this virtual summit would be communicated to the members.
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