A devastating incident occurred in Mgbemena, Coal Camp, Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State, as a collapsed building on Friday resulted in the tragic loss of four siblings.
Hon. Uche Anya, the chairman of the Enugu Capital Territory Development Agency (ECTDA), visited the scene of the incident and expressed his heartfelt condolences for the loss of innocent children.
Anya described the situation as heart breaking and revealed that the building had originally been approved for animal husbandry but had been converted into a residential structure. He expressed concern about the building’s unsuitability for human habitation.
Upon hearing about the incident, he stated, “We immediately responded to the incident upon receiving the information. Unfortunately, four children lost their lives in this tragic event.”
He further remarked that the construction of the building had been irresponsible and was never intended for human occupancy. He encouraged people to visit the site and see for themselves.
Anya also underscored the agency’s commitment to raising public awareness regarding the importance of residing in safe and suitable environments to prevent future incidents of this nature.
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