The Federal Executive Council, (FEC) on Monday unfolded a three-year plan aimed at addressing the prevailing social and economic challenges affecting the nation. The inaugural cabinet meeting, presided over by President Bola Tinubu at the Presidential Villa in Abuja, marked the unveiling of his vision for achieving “economic growth, prosperity for all, and ending poverty.”
During the meeting, President Tinubu urged his ministers to focus on achieving the initial phase of his administration’s eight-point agenda within the next three years. He emphasized the urgency of reviving the country’s economy due to its current challenging state.
President Tinubu commended the ministers’ capacity to bring about meaningful change in their respective ministries and encouraged them to work towards revitalizing the economy. He expressed his intention to initiate a homegrown financial reformation, efficient resource management, and strategies to empower the economy for the betterment of the people.
The President highlighted his expectations for the cabinet, emphasizing the need for innovation and problem-solving. He acknowledged that although the challenges were substantial, the ministers had the skills and capabilities necessary to drive the country’s transformation. He reinforced that appointments were not temporary but aimed at achieving impactful results.
Furthermore, President Tinubu stated that his administration’s commitment was to create around 50 million jobs through the Ministry of Trade and Investment. He recognized that the nation faced a challenging economic climate, marked by high inflation and unemployment rates.
The President’s approach involved mobilizing social and human capital, particularly among Nigeria’s youthful population, to drive prosperity for all. He expressed his trust in his appointed cabinet members’ innovative thinking and practical interventions, indicating his willingness to listen, cooperate, and lead the nation towards a brighter future.
President Tinubu’s directive to the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to restrict the issuance of visas for government officials attending the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) without proof of direct involvement in official activities was also highlighted. This measure aimed to reduce the number of Nigerian delegates attending UNGA to cut down on governance costs.
In conclusion, President Tinubu’s inaugural cabinet meeting set the tone for a focused and goal-oriented approach to addressing the nation’s economic challenges. The administration’s commitment to transparency, efficiency, and accountability was underscored, with a strong emphasis on innovative solutions and meaningful results.
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