Bamike Olowunmi, popularly known as BamBam and a former housemate of Big Brother Naija Season 3, recently shared that her participation in the reality show was driven by her acting ambitions. The talented actress revealed that she had grown weary of attending numerous movie auditions without landing any roles, prompting her to seize the opportunity provided by the Big Brother platform to give her acting career a significant boost.
In a recent interview with TVC, BamBam expressed her long-standing desire to be involved in filmmaking. Faced with the challenges of post-graduation life from film school, she recalled the frustration of attending auditions where she often ended up with minor roles, earning a meager N5,000 at times. Seeking a breakthrough, she made the decision to audition for Big Brother Naija, believing that it would garner much-needed visibility for her acting aspirations.
Having moved from Abuja to Lagos to pursue her movie career, BamBam acknowledged that life was relatively comfortable in the capital city, with a steady 9-to-5 job and personal possessions like a car, a dog, and a cat. However, she felt compelled to take a chance on the Big Brother opportunity to give her dreams a chance to flourish.
The decision proved to be life-changing for BamBam, as her career took off after her time in the Big Brother House. She experienced a significant surge in popularity and success as an actress.
It’s worth mentioning that BamBam and Teddy A, her love interest from the Big Brother House, tied the knot in 2019. The couple welcomed their first child, Zendaya, in 2020, and their second child, Maya, in March 2022.
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