The Nnamdi Azikiwe University, situated in Awka, Anambra State, has taken disciplinary action against a total of 14 academic and non-academic staff members, as well as other individuals, including students, due to various misconducts and offenses.
Among those affected, five lecturers faced allegations of various offenses, including extorting money from students who had successfully completed their courses. One lecturer was dismissed for orchestrating a scheme in which he used a student to extort money from other students. He openly declared students who had passed his courses as having failed, with the sole aim of extracting money from them.
Another lecturer from the Department of History and International Relations was also dismissed after being accused of manipulating results and grades in favour of a student.
Three lecturers from the Faculty of Education were suspended “pending the appropriate procedure” after being accused of accepting money from students in exchange for unearned grades.
The implicated students, including a priest, also faced sanctions for their roles. The priest and another student were both implicated in aiding and abetting examination misconduct after accepting gratuities from students.
This information was conveyed in a press release on Sunday, issued by Dr. Emmanuel Ojukwu, the Special Adviser for Public Relations and Special Duties. Ojukwu explained that these actions were taken in accordance with the recommendations of a panel, which advised the expulsion and suspension of the individuals involved, including students.
The statement provided specific details of the actions taken against each individual, including suspensions and dismissals, as well as the reasons for these disciplinary measures. It was emphasized that these actions were undertaken to maintain the integrity and standards of the university. Further information and the names of the individuals involved can be found in the school bulletin.
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