Inspector Oliver Akang has been arrested by the Akwa Ibom State Police Command in connection with the tragic killing of a farmer named Umoh Charlie, which occurred on September 9, 2023. This disclosure was made by the State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Odiko Ogbeche-Macdon, during an interview with Punch on Sunday.
Ogbeche-Macdon further indicated that the State Criminal Investigation Department has taken charge of the case under the directive of the state Commissioner of Police, Olatoye Durosinmi.
“The officer in question is currently in custody, and the case is under the supervision of the State CID, led by the Deputy Commissioner, as per the instructions of the Commissioner of Police, who ordered a thorough investigation. The command has not remained silent and is committed to addressing any pending issues,” he explained.
On September 9, 2023, Akang and five other policemen, who were part of the command’s Anti-Kidnapping and Anti-Cultism Unit, reportedly conducted a raid in Ibong Otoro village during which they fired shots indiscriminately. Tragically, a bullet allegedly fired from Akang’s weapon struck Charlie.
In an earlier interview with journalists, members of the deceased’s family claimed that the state command had offered them N1.2 million and requested them to sign an agreement to desist from legal proceedings and avoid media attention regarding the matter. The policemen allegedly fled the scene after the killing, leaving behind the father of four.
The deceased’s sister, Esther, and his brother, Destiny, shared their sentiments, saying, “But what we are seeking now is justice. Our brother had four children before his demise, with the eldest child being 10 years old. With his wife being unemployed, there is now no one to provide for the children.”
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