A renowned Nigerian comedian, Josh Alfred, popularly known as Josh2Funny, recently shared that his recent appearance on the TV reality show “America’s Got Talent” was not primarily to compete for prizes, but rather to exhibit his exceptional talent.
Josh2Funny, celebrated for his side-splitting audition skits, expanded his reach to a global stage by performing on the prestigious platform of “America’s Got Talent.”
In a recent conversation with Punch, he unveiled that he had been invited to the show to provide comic relief rather than vie for awards.
During the show, the 32-year-old comedian delivered three uproarious performances, showcasing his versatility as a rapid reader, a speedy rapper, and a magician. Although his comedic acts bewildered most of the judges, resulting in a series of “no” votes for all three attempts, Simon, one of the judges, granted Josh a “yes” in his final endeavour, lauding his comical prowess.
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