Owodunni Ibrahim, also known as Primeboy, has refuted the police’s assertion that they had summoned him for questioning in connection with the demise of the singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, aka Mohbad. The Lagos State Police Command confirmed Primeboy’s detention less than 24 hours after declaring him wanted and offering a N1 million reward for information leading to his capture.
However, prior to voluntarily presenting himself to the authorities, Primeboy divulged several details in an interview, including his assertion that Mohbad’s spouse is attempting to falsely implicate him.
When questioned about allegedly ignoring the police’s invitation, he responded, “That’s a blatant falsehood; there is no way I would disregard a message from the police. Before I was declared a wanted person, I intended to surrender voluntarily – to clarify matters at the police station because I was unjustly accused. People I consulted with advised me to stay put, refrain from going anywhere, and await their formal invitation.
“So I patiently waited, and suddenly I discovered that I was being sought online the next day. People started calling to inform me about the N1 million reward for my location, and I was taken aback and astonished. I contacted my lawyer and family, and they advised me to remain composed, assuring me that nothing would happen since I had no knowledge of the situation.”
Primeboy also maintained that he was not in the company of Mohbad on the day of his demise.
“I was not with him when he passed away because we parted ways after his performance on Sunday. He asked me to leave the car that day because he and his wife were having a private conversation; it was a family matter.
“I seek justice for Mohbad, and I implore his wife to cease falsely accusing me online; it is unjust.”
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