Renowned music artist Ayodeji Balogun, popularly known as Wizkid, has revealed his intentions to step away from the music industry. Through a series of Instagram posts on Sunday, the singer of the hit song ‘Essence’ shared his plans to go on a hiatus for four or possibly five years. He also mentioned considering a venture into football or golf.
In a playful tone with some informal language, he wrote, “I’ll be back in 4 years, maybe even five, or I might take up playing football now. Or perhaps I’ll start playing golf, or get into FIFA or wrestling, my friends! You’re all crazy! Everyone’s gone wild.”
He continued in a more serious tone, “On a more serious note, I hope all of you are well, both physically and mentally, and that you’re taking some time to enjoy with your loved ones.”
It’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time Wizkid has announced a break from the music scene. In 2019, he mentioned his plans for a hiatus via his X account, tweeting, “Gone till March! Thank you.”
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