After a seemingly prolonged period of conflict, Edo State’s Deputy Governor, Philip Shaibu, issued an apology to his superior, Governor Godwin Obaseki, on Thursday and begged for forgiveness.
Shaibu extended his apology following his investiture by the Catholic Men Organization Nigeria (CMN). Speaking to reporters shortly after the investiture, he implored Governor Obaseki to forgive and forget. He also noted that he had relocated to his new office in compliance with the governor’s instructions.
However, he mentioned that there were still some outstanding tasks to be completed in his new office, which is situated at 7 Osadebey Avenue.
In response to a question about whether he had resumed working at his new office, Shaibu replied, “We have resumed, but there is still much work to be done there. There is no issue with that. The governor has instructed us to go there. As I have consistently demonstrated, I am a loyal servant, and nothing has changed.”
He emphasized his commitment to supporting Governor Obaseki and expressed his hope for the restoration of their previous relationship in the coming days and weeks.
Shaibu stated, “I took a personal vow to support my governor, and you can see that my Catholic community is here. When I made a vow with God, nothing can alter it, and I hope that the bond we had will be re-established in the near future.”
“I mean well. If I have made any mistakes as a human being, it was not out of malice because I know I am not malicious. I have a very pure heart.”
He used the opportunity to appeal to Governor Obaseki, saying, “I want to use this platform to appeal to Mr. Governor that if there is anything I am unaware of that I have done wrong, please forgive me so that we can jointly develop our state.”
He concluded, “My Governor, I’m sorry and I need us to work together.”
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