The Police Command in Bauchi State has arrested a 24-year-old woman identified as Furera Abubakar, over alleged murder of her four-day-old stepchild in Bantu village, located within the Ningi Local Government Area of the state.
As reported in a statement by SP Ahmed Wakil, the Command’s spokesperson, on Tuesday in Bauchi, the arrest of the suspect was made on grounds of suspected culpable homicide.
According to the statement, the incident was brought to the attention of the Ningi Divisional Police headquarters on August 19, 2023. The report revealed that the newborn baby had been born on August 15, 2023, and tragically lost their life on August 19, 2023, just prior to the planned naming ceremony.
Initial findings from the investigation indicate that the accused, Furera, is one of the co-wives of the mother of the deceased child. Reportedly, Furera entered the room of her co-wife carrying liquid insecticide, which she applied to the baby’s unhealed umbilical cord.
The corrosive nature of the liquid, suspected to be a harmful substance, resulted in severe harm to the baby’s health, ultimately leading to the infant’s unfortunate demise.
He said the suspect would be charged to court on completion of investigation.
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