Comedian Bright Okpocha, who is popularly known as Basketmouth, has issued a public apology to Ayodeji Richard Makun, popularly known as AY, marking the end of their 17-year-long feud. Basketmouth shared a video on his Instagram page on Monday, where he extended his heartfelt apology.
The longstanding dispute between AY and Basketmouth has been a topic of public discussion for quite some time. In a 2021 interview with media personality Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, Basketmouth revealed that his falling out with AY stemmed from what he perceived as a breach of loyalty. He candidly expressed his desire for no further communication with AY and emphasized that they were never close friends.
However, in a May 2023 interview with media personality Chude Jideonwo, AY attributed the rift to a business transaction gone awry in 2006.
Basketmouth has now taken the initiative to seek forgiveness not only from AY but also from others in the industry and beyond whom he may have offended. He spoke from the depths of his heart, expressing genuine remorse and requesting forgiveness for any harm he may have caused.
Addressing AY directly, Basketmouth admitted uncertainty about the current validity of his apology but implored AY to pardon him for any past words or actions that may have caused harm. He also shared that he had already forgiven AY for any transgressions, whether intentional or unintentional, and wished for both of them to move forward in peace and harmony.
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