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If there’s one thing we enjoy about the rainy season, it’s the endless hugs it provides.
While remaining in bed with your blanket snugly wrapped around you may sound like a good idea, snuggling with your lover beneath those warm or heated blankets is an even better option.

Even more wonderful is discovering that hugging is beneficial to both your love life and your health. Need more reasons to cuddle? These snuggling perks should offer you plenty of reasons to snuggle whenever it rains.

It’s a great stress reliever: Nothing beats feeling your partner’s arms around you while the rhythmic pounding of their heart serenades you to sleep.

Lower stress levels equal better sleep. Not only that, but hugging raises serotonin levels, making you feel better about yourself and your life in general.

It helps control your heart rate: Have you ever had a close embrace while you’re stressed? If you have, you are well aware of how effective it is in relieving stress.

When you become agitated or irritated, your heart rate rises, and snuggling can bring it back to normal.

When you’re in intimate physical touch with your spouse, you automatically catch up on their body rhythm. Cuddling synchronizes your breathing with theirs, allowing you to relax when you’re nervous or hyperventilating.

It relieves pain: Touch therapy is frequently advised for mental and emotional distress. Cuddling releases Oxytocin, a pain-relieving hormone.

When you are in pain, being snuggled produces Oxytocin, which relieves the agony by making you feel loved and reminds you that someone is there for you.

Cuddling improves sexual intimacy: Improve your sex life by cuddling your spouse on a regular basis. Snuggling into their arms and touching them strengthens your link, reviving the spark you both share and increasing your closeness.

It produces love hormones: Feeling peaceful and joyful when doing your favorite things does not equal the enjoyment you feel when you get cuddles. That’s because cuddling produces the production of Oxytocin, sometimes known as the “love hormone.”

Our Final Thoughts

Little things like cuddling may make a big impact not just in your personal life but also in your relationship. Cuddling is a wonderful way to experience the wonders of touch.


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